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cara isso aqui ta impecável meus parabéns. 





(1 edit) (+1)

muito bom! 10/10

I don't even know what to say but nice! i loved it

O jogo tá muito bom mano, não achei nenhum bug ou erro, só q tem algumas coisas meio confusas no game(na lore), mas, de resto o jogo tá OTIMO!
Minha nota: 10/10

tem vários furos mas é porque foi um jogo rápido que eu fiz hehe


Os Sons não me assutaram más eu fiquei o Game todo Tenso, foi incrivel a experiencia! 


fico feliz que tenha gostado :D



thank you<3


Interesting game


thanks for playing <33


Was a fun watch! Will  try the game out!


I hope you like it hehe


First in the line up. A great short game, the 2d pixel art really stands out. The pacing fairly good, and while there isn't a lot of story the felling of tension really well played. Good job keep it up.

you forgot to explore the cell phone, there is a little more context about the game, few people have seen it, but thank you very much for writing a gameplay and wow, being the first, I was really happy

Oph. Okay that's a little egg on my face. But not the first time I've shuffled away from context clues without thinking. I'll take a peak myself.


Was a pretty eerie and fun little game!

While I did think that the build up was more scary than the actual scare at the end because it was alluding to something creepier and maybe even monster or ghost like, the ending felt a bit not as scary because it took a bit long. 

Maybe having the chase be shorter but more fast might have made have gelled it better with the scary ramp from the beginning!

It was still very fun and pretty well done too!

Thanks for playing and the feedback, I loved the video <33


I thought this was a really good game and the art style is so good.  I look forward to your future games and also to a part two.

Thanks for playing and recording, I'm glad you liked it <33

(1 edit)

her (sees dead body): omg a dead body!!

runs back to police officer

tells him

they take her back to station

they catch the bad guy

game ends

what actually happened:

her: oh a dead body (keeps walking)

Don't forget she's schizophrenic


muito bom jogo



I loved this so freaking much. The protagonist and the little notes were wonderful, I can't wait to see more of your games :]


I'm glad you liked it, this is a detail that few noticed, I hope that in the future people will come back to my first game and see it :D


That will be wonderful. Also should mention I found a funny glitch, if you try to take a picture with the phone and don't back out of her dialogue... She just slides along without the walking animation. I kind of loved it but probably not the intended experience lmao


some bugs always go unnoticed lol


Rapaz parabens pelo jogo, ficou muito bom, gostei dos filtros e tbm do clima do jogo, e a narrativa simplista de uma garota voltando pra casa ficou top. 

Só deixando algumas observações para ajudar


1-Encontrei um bug no beco, tem um cara lá q se você seguir ele vai ficar preso sem conseguir sair do cenário, acho que é a colisão dele.


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acabei de corrigir


show mano, vou dá uma retestada

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2-Talvez o jogo esteja carregando tudo de uma vez, e isso vai te dá problemas se for escalar mais o jogo.

Então dá uma estuda em "lazy loading", que é para descarregar partes não mais usadas e só carregar as novas quando chegar num check point invisível. ai o jogo fica bem leve.

isso realmente foi um problema pra mim, eu tentei criar um loading mas acabou não funcionando como eu queria, mas vou pesquisar mais sobre isso, vlw pela dica

(2 edits) (+1)

tmj, eu não sei qual a engine usada, mas é só tú pesquisar por "carregamento de modulo dinamico em <<nome da engine>>" q vai ter algum tutorial sobre isso.

pesquisei e deu na mesma, em inglês e português, o jeito vai ser migrar de engine oq eu já pretendo fazer depois do meu próximo jogo que ja esta em andamento em outra engine com outro programador, vamos ver oq o futuro nos aguarda hehe


Massa man, é uma boa pratica que vamos aprendendo com o tempo mesmo.

que bom q gostou meu mano


this is  really goodd


thank you<33


amazing! truly amazing! this is my favourite art style in games fr

I feel honored, thank you very much, and thank you for playing <33


short but good

thanks for playing <33


tbh pretty cool game got scared a bit

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for playing <33


Was the killer the friends we made along the way

haha, thanks for playing <33


great game, but there was a bug I had no sound

Maybe it's a problem with your audio drivers, I can't imagine another reason for the bug, but thank you for playing and recording despite this, it's very important to me, thank you for playing <33


I love the art style. Interesting game~ Looking forward to more! 

Thanks for playing and recording, I really loved it <33


♥♥ ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )


As a girl, this is one of the things that scares me the most.. God job bk!

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for playing <33


Hello bk I just played this game and I think it is really good!!I love your pixel character design!!I want to provide this game Chinese translateヾ(^▽^*)))


hii, I'm glad you liked it <333, I never thought anyone would be interested in translating the game into Chinese, but I think that due to the font it would be a little complicated for me :c


aww Chinese characters surely are complicate.but thanks for your work! Look forward your update!!!I really want to make a contribute. 谢谢

Thank you very much, you wanting to help is incredible for me anyway, soon we will have new games hehe


if you want Chinese translate,feel free to contact me anytime(*^▽^*)y


Caramba, que jogo incrível! Apesar de ser curtinho, é muito interessante. Adorei a arte e os gráficos, parabéns! Espero ver novos jogos seus em breve :D

obrigado por jogar<33, ano que vem tem jogo novo viu :P


pois vou ficar esperando e de olho aqui :3


I like this jump scare

thank you hehe


I would DEFINITELY play more games made by you!
Heck! what would be even better is if you took this game and turned it into something bigger!

This game is just the beginning, I still have a lot of games to do hehe


SHIT this scared the hell out of me, great work!


thank you hehe <33


bro that game was creepy as hell keep up the good work!

obrigado pelo feedback<3

You're welcome!


Loved the art style I'm interested in what's to come after this

The next game is already being developed hehe


wow this was good

thank you <33


cool game

thank you <33


this game scared the heck outta me i really loved it lol

I'm glad you liked it hehe, thanks for playing <33

(1 edit) (+1)

That is 

soooooo good.

I love it so much.

cool effects, too by the way. I wish i had your skill.

what'd you make it in? i'd like to know.

I made this game in Contruct 3 if that's what you want to know, thanks for playing <33

Thank you! It's a good game.


Very cool side scroller horror! The chase sequence was creepy and overall the atmosphere was awesome!

Thanks for playing I loved the video<33


Nice game! I like the arts style and I hope there will be multiple endings in the next game & some puzzle. Looking forward to your next project. :)

You can bet yes, the next game is in the production phase, thanks for recording a gameplay, I love it <33


Was the player schizophrenic?



the movement are cool and great for make suspense ambient 

(1 edit)

thank you <3

(1 edit) (+1)

good try your best create in this job 


make. a. sequel.

maybe... one day






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